Atomic WAF

ModSecurity Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Secure Your Enterprise Websites With ModSecurity WAF From Atomicorp

Atomicorp provides ongoing software development and support for ModSecurity Rules and ModSecurity WAFs. To make overall web application security and compliance easier and more complete, we offer a commercial web application firewall called Atomic WAF that supports both ModSecurity and libmodsecurity server (i.e., Apache, Nginx, and IIS) use cases. Atomic WAF enables enterprises and agencies to protect websites, web control panels, web endpoints and web gateways with advanced detection, versatile attack surface coverage, active response, lateral protection, analysis, audit controls, and easier regulatory compliance.

Why Atomicorp ModSecurity-based WAF?

Atomicorp still gets questions about the future of ModSecurity and libmodsecurity, and all we can say we’re supporting them, we’re the remaining commercial experts, and we offer a ModSecurity-based WAF.

Atomic WAF makes configuration and management easy, and provides visibility into your security and compliance status, including reports, event management, and metrics vital for government and business security and compliance stakeholders.

A powerful security engine and real-time threat intelligence fuels this intuitive GUI and management console. The integrated engine and GUI in Atomic WAF provides:

  • Visualization of security performance, areas to concentrate on, alerts, compliance issues, and more. These are images, charts, and metrics that are technical enough for the CISO or security leader, but that make the cybersecurity fight easier to understand for less technical security stakeholders.
  • A management console that keeps business users informed through graphical reports and allows them to tie development projects into security and compliance initiatives, and vice-versa.
  • A greater understanding of what the security team is protecting web-based assets from, such as malware, ransomware, DoS attacks, brute force attacks, website defacements, spam, and all of the kinds of attacks that are hitting the perimeter where data can be stolen, fines levied and reputation harmed.
  • The ability to retrieve artifacts, such as logs and records, for compliance with PCI DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, and a host of other requirements, plus data toward security posture and for overall enterprise risk management decisions.
  • Momentum for a DevSecOps shift, which can be accelerated through inexpensive ModSecurity and the flexibility it offers.

Atomic WAF powered by Atomic on ModSecurity Rules

Looking for the GUI and management console that works with ModSecurity Rules? Atomic WAF enables you to deploy a WAF software appliance, powered by Atomicorp’s commercial ModSecurity rules, that adds a helpful management console and GUI for protecting your or your customers’ web entities and provides turnkey industry leading protection. Affordable Atomic WAF facilitates security understanding, performance analysis, compliance and reporting.

Atomic WAF offers:

  • An intuitive graphical user interface (GUI). Look up from the code to see what is happening on the security front and how your security is performing.
  • A management console. Is your security effective and agile? Where should investments be made? Plug in and drill into detail It’s a management console that keeps business users informed through graphical reports and allows them to tie development projects into security initiatives, and vice-versa.
  • A web application firewall powered by our industry leading Atomic ModSecurity Rules.
  • Protection for your legacy and modern web applications
  • Strong security support for web development languages
  • Full support for web hosting platforms such as cPanel and Plesk
  • Global real time threat intelligence
  • Layer 7 DoS protection
  • 24/7/365 support
  • Cloudflare integration
  • Page rank protection
  • Audit controls and reporting for compliance, so you can artifact, report, and meet compliance requirements
  • Defense-in-depth security controls built into the system, so that breaches don’t penetrate the core data assets and impact access control
  • Full support for all of today’s popular web applications, including WordPress, Drupal and more.

Reinforce security across your web-connected business software applications, hardening the default security with curated commercially developed and supported rules that prevent false positives but thwart the latest attacks.

Try out Atomic WAF. Visualize your web-based security, get incident reports, measure, manage risk, and address compliance requirements. Schedule a demo.

Ready to buy Atomic WAF?

Read Our Solution Brief for WAF and Web Application Security

Attacks come virtually, across the cloud and internet, putting your communicative web entities at risk. Secure your web servers, websites, endpoints, and data, with Atomicorp zero trust cloud workload protection and ModSecurity WAF.

Read the Atomicorp ModSecurity Rules and WAF solution brief.

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