How we do it...
We leverage the power of the world’s most widely used open source security solution, OSSEC. We make it easy and practical to use while adding functionality to not only detect malicious activity but also protect the workloads that are critical to your business regardless of where they reside.
Our Long History with Open Source Technology

Scott Shinn
Scott is the CTO and co-founder of Atomicorp and OSSEC Project Manager. Scott has contributed to hundreds of open source projects for over a decade including ModSecurity, Open VAS, PHP and MySQL.

Michael Shinn
Michael is the CEO and co-founder of Atomicorp. Mike has been involved with ModSecurity, and open source web application firewalls for over 20 years.
Our Story...
Atomicorp was founded in 2015 to solve the critical problem faced by the modern enterprise: Ie How do you ensure security and compliance when workloads are continuously deployed across multiple cloud and datacenter environments. We knew the only answer was a lightweight, devops-friendly platform that could automate a wide range of functional requirements. We also knew that OSSEC was the ideal foundation on which to build this solution.
Today we help hundreds of customers around the world to meet their most critical security and compliance requirements efficiently and cost effectively.