OSSEC Conference 2018 Recap – New Features, New Users, New Use Cases
Today, I am sending out a special thank you to everyone who made it to OSSEC Con 2018! It was great to meet so many people from all over the U.S. and even draw some international visitors. It is a testament to how strong and global the OSSEC community has become. The OSSEC team enjoyed showing you all the hard work that is ongoing and what is in store for the future. It was absolutely fantastic to hear from everyone first-hand about the project and those great ideas that always seem to be shared at these community events. OSSEC is an open source project that will go beyond being maintained. Investment is being made today as OSSEC grows its user base and functionality.
I especially want to thank Virgil Security and Cyber Academy for their contributions to improving the project’s cryptography and training. I’d also like to thank our panel members from Prometheus Global, Semper Victus, Coalfire, and Shimadzu for sharing how they’re using OSSEC to solve some specific problems in healthcare, government, and ecommerce. Last but not least, I’d also like to thank everyone from Atomicorp who handled the event logistics, especially Karen and Charity for handling all the little details behind the scenes so we didn’t have to.News Flash! We are launching a monthly OSSEC newsletter to keep everyone informed on the latest OSSEC happenings, you can sign up for that here.
Thank you all again for coming out and making the conference a success and I hope to see everyone again next year at OSSEC Con 2019! If you or your organization are interested in joining the OSSEC project send an email to ossec@atomicorp.com for details!
Scott Shinn
OSSEC Project Manager