Atomic OSSEC Tutorials

Atomic OSSEC Training Videos

Welcome to Atomic OSSEC training video page, which offers OSSEC tutorials, ModSecurity tips, and guidance on how to install, configure, and manage both for maximum effectiveness.

OSSEC and ModSecurity users can freely access OSSEC and ModSecurity training video tutorials covering OSSEC agent installation on Linux, Windows, AIX, and other platforms. You can also learn how to troubleshoot OSSEC Windows agent installations, schedule OSSEC malware scans, incorporate ModSecurity virtual patching, and harden AIX and Solaris security and that on legacy software versions such RHEL 7 and CentOS 7.

Check out our video library and let us know what you think.


Atomic OSSEC Overview


Agent Installation on Linux

Agent Requirements:

Agent Installation (find platform-level instructions):


Install Atomic OSSEC Hub Server


Hub Requirements:



Troubleshooting Network Settings


Support Docs:


Troubleshooting Windows Agent Installation


FIM Overview


Schedule A Malware Scan


Support Docs:


Real-time Malware Prevention


Integrating VirusTotal into Atomic OSSEC



Help Expand Our OSSEC and ModSecurity Training Video Library

If you can think of an OSSEC or ModSecurity training video you would like to see in the future, drop us a line.

Contact us.