Why Patching Won’t Eliminate All of Your Security Vulnerabilities

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Scott Shinn Vulnerability patching is crucial but not a cure-all. Patching all your known software vulnerabilities in a timely manner may seal off specific backdoors but alone it represents a reactive, whack-a-mole approach to holistic vulnerability management. Go beyond patching: Detect and address backdoors and malware that patching won’t stop, and defend against whole […]

Podcast: Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures or CVEs Explained. What They Are and How They’re Used

Posted on by Mike Shinn

The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) system is a critical tool for the cybersecurity industry. CVEs provide consistency in naming and clarity on the nature and impact of various vulnerabilities. In this week’s Linux Security Podcast, Atomicorp CEO Mike Shinn discusses the origin and management of the CVE process, how it’s used by cybersecurity professionals […]