Why ‘Firewall’ Your Core Servers? Zero Trust and Defense in Depth in Action

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

Zero trust principles shouldn’t only be applied to the untrusted internet and traffic from the web. The security perimeter—no matter how dynamic—isn’t foolproof and can be breached and bad actors can get inside in a number of ways. Be able to stop a threat that has already penetrated your core by filtering east-to-west traffic and […]

AIX Server Exploit Reinforces Need for Enhanced Security on Legacy Systems

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Scott Shinn (Are your AIX servers safe against advanced persistent threats? Boost AIX server security and block lateral movement into Windows and Linux environments—with Atomicorp.) The AIX Server Hack in Review AIX is a venerable operating system still employed by an estimated tens of thousands of global organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies. It […]

Who’s Responsible for PCI Compliance of Your Cloud Workload

Posted on by Mike Shinn

  This is part 1 of seven-part series on achieving PCI compliance in the cloud.   Shared Responsibility isn’t as easy as it sounds When businesses sign a service level agreement with a cloud provider, they may believe the provider will protect everything in their cloud− infrastructure and applications alike.  But in each contract there is […]

What the Capital One Breach Shows Us About Cloud Workload Protection

Posted on by Mike Shinn

What happened?  Many of us woke up to the news that the data of 100 million people were exposed when Capital One’s Amazon servers were breached by Seattle-based hacker.   While information about the specifics of the breach may never be known by the public, this staggering data loss is exceptionally instructive for organizations moving critical […]

Achieving AWS Compliance: Considerations for IT and Cloud Security Teams

Posted on by sshinn

Most every IT organization has wrestled with achieving regulatory compliance, meeting auditors requirements, and reporting to management and other stakeholders. Moving workloads to the cloud introduces new wrinkles to an already thorny set of problems. For organizations moving to the Amazon cloud, it’s critical that they understand their new and changing issues and responsibilities associated […]