AIX Server Exploit Reinforces Need for Enhanced Security on Legacy Systems

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Scott Shinn (Are your AIX servers safe against advanced persistent threats? Boost AIX server security and block lateral movement into Windows and Linux environments—with Atomicorp.) The AIX Server Hack in Review AIX is a venerable operating system still employed by an estimated tens of thousands of global organizations, including many Fortune 500 companies. It […]

Deepen Security With Malware Memory Analysis for Fileless Malware Detection

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Dean Lombardo What is malware memory analysis? This article explores the important role of malware memory analysis in fileless malware detection. Hackers and malware programs don’t need files to infect your computer systems. They can inject malicious code directly into system memory, often after tricking a user into clicking on an attachment or link. […]

Podcast: Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities and Countermeasures Explained

Posted on by Mike Shinn

It is not an overstatement to say that the Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities were a surprise to the security and microprocessor industries. Chip-level vulnerabilities this severe are rare. Part of the issue stemmed from the fact that the vulnerabilities were created by engineering choices designed to improve microprocessor speed. The engineers had simply not contemplated […]

IoT Security: A Hardened Kernel Protects Devices from Attacks

Posted on by Mike Shinn

    Gartner predicts there will be over 20 billion connected devices by the year 2020. However, the rapid growth of IoT technology has also created a new security challenge: How do you protect IoT devices without compromising their design and infrastructure? In today’s video, CTO Scott Shinn discusses how Atomicorp’s Secured IoT Kernel addresses […]

Three Trends in Tech. One Common Thread. Linux. That Makes Securing Your Linux Assets More Important Than Ever.

Posted on by Mike Shinn

    Linux is at the center of the top three trends in technology today: cloud, containers and the Internet of Things. The rapid adoption of these technologies also poses a security risk. There are more ways than ever for attackers to find a way in. While Linux is not inherently insecure, it is only […]

Top 5 Atomicorp Blog Posts of 2017 — Extending Linux Security to the Cloud, Containers, OSSEC and IoT

Posted on by Mike Shinn

2017 brought even more focus on Linux platforms with the continued rise of cloud, containers, OSSEC and IoT adoption. The challenge confronting many IT departments is that the old security models and solutions don’t quite work in these new computing environments. Atomicorp stepped into this gap and introduced several new security solutions to help companies […]

The Surprising Equifax Lesson. Patching Isn’t a Strategy.

Posted on by Mike Shinn

Everyone has now heard about the Equifax breach. It impacted millions of Americans who will face significant financial and credit risk for years while costing three senior Equifax executives their jobs. There is even talk that a nation state could use the information to target individuals with access to classified information. However, for businesses that […]

How Do You Protect Against 65 Billion Daily Attacks? Atomic Secured Linux.

Posted on by Mike Shinn

    Atomic Secured Linux (ASL) is the most widely distributed full-stack security solution for Linux servers today. Our customers withstand 65 billion daily attacks. This volume has become the norm because attackers have proliferated and many now employ automation. The only way to combat this escalation is to automate defense. That is why ASL […]

Atomic Secured Linux Now Available to All Plesk Users

Posted on by Mike Shinn

Atomicorp has a long history with Plesk. My brother Scott and I were co-founders of Plesk in 1999. When we founded Atomicorp, we had Plesk users in mind. Just like Plesk made server management an easier task through automation, we set out to automate server security. People now understand that cybersecurity is everyone’s problem. It’s […]