Combining Ghidra Reverse Engineering and OSSEC Protection

Posted on by Justin Countiss

By Scott Shinn Ghidra is an open source reverse engineering tool developed by the NSA. Four years mature, Ghidra is a solid tool that can be used to disable attacks at the root, enabling you to take the malware apart and build immunities. It’s reverse engineering via an open source tool today. At the February […]

Always Check the Spark Plug and Other Lessons in Cybersecurity

Posted on by Mike Shinn

Rule 1: First check the spark plugs! It’s a lesson my brother, Scott, and I learned as young men decades ago in high school. It’s something we even painted on the wall of our parents’ garage.  And it’s an idea that’s been applicable in our work in software development and cybersecurity ever since. The principle […]

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) Tools and HIDS – the Foundation for Security and Compliance in a Cloudy World

Posted on by Mike Shinn

File integrity monitoring (FIM) tools and a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS) are the foundation for security and compliance, including NIST, PCI-DSS, GDPR, and more. HIDS (host-based intrusion detection system) is a security system that monitors the computing devices on which it is installed, the traffic between devices, the containers on the device, and that […]

Meet Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 and 140-3 Requirements

Posted on by Casey Priester

Federal Information Processing Standard 140-2 (FIPS 140-2) is a requirement for U.S. government organizations and contractors, a government security mandate designed to evaluate and approve encryption solutions serving the federal supply chain. It calls for security by a cryptographic module, and employs a security accreditation program for assessing private sector company security solution capabilities against […]

The Appeal of Open Source Security (OSSEC) to Small and Midsize Businesses

Posted on by Mike Shinn

An open source DevSecOps approach enables small to midsize enterprises to keep pace with security threats as digital business expands. Atomic OSSEC intrusion detection and Atomic Protector cloud workload protection solutions reflect this open source DevSecOps approach, helping small IT teams to rapidly secure the services and apps they must deliver. Cyber-attacks are getting increasingly […]

Why OSSEC and How to Enhance Benefits Today

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Dean Lombardo There are few single-source private data networks or datacenters anymore, with digitally transforming organizations dependent on a mix of internal, service provider, and cloud infrastructure provider network endpoints to access, store and share their information. Toward securing this hybrid, distributed computing, many organizations have turned to the agile and flexible Open Source […]

With File Integrity Monitoring, Visibility, Control and Compliance Don’t Have to Be Lost in the Cloud

Posted on by Dean Lombardo

By Atomicorp IT infrastructure abstraction to the Internet and cloud, while allowing you to roll out applications faster, comes with a cost. It dims your visibility and control over the full scope of your server and desktop environments, applications, files and containers. For today’s digital security and compliance reality you need file integrity monitoring. You […]